In its battle with the coronavirus, Japan appears to be doing everything wrong. It has tested just 0.185 percent of its population, its social distancing has been halfhearted, and a majority of Japanese are critical of the government’s response. Yet with among the lowest death rates in the world, a medical system that has avoided an overloading crisis, and a declining number of cases, everything seems to be going weirdly right.
[Foreign Policy May 14, 2020]※以下、同じ
The results have been impressive. As of May 14, Japan had 687 fatalities directly attributed to COVID-19 nationwide, equal to 5 per million people. That compares with a total of 85,268 deaths, or 258 per million, in the United States and 584 per million in Spain. Even Germany, seen as another success story in the pandemic, has 94 deaths per million.
These almost miraculously low figures come despite Japan being close to China, with a large number of tourists. It is also the world’s fastest-aging society—yet has escaped, it seems, being severely hit by a virus that is particularly deadly to older people.
In general, however, Japan’s culture of concern for others, keeping a distance, avoiding handshakes, and good personal hygiene appears to have played a significant, if difficult to measure, part in the low numbers.
このように、2) impressive, success storyのような高い評価がなされている一方で、1) weirdly, 3) miraculously, 4) if difficult to measureといった表現を見ると、この21世紀に入っても、世界、とりわけ欧米から見れば、日本は極東の不思議な国と捉えられている印象を持たざるを得ない。換言すれば、日本のコロナ対策は成功事例と言えるが、それは我々(欧米)には到底真似のできそうにないことだ、といったところであろう。